Monitor Lizard Compared To Komodo Dragon. The goanna ('go-anna') is an Australian reptile that is also known as the monitor lizard. Komodo Dragon or Komodo Monitor Lizard (Stock Footage).
Facts About the Komodo Dragon That Kids Would Enjoy ... (George Maldonado)
Monitor lizard, or monitor, is the common name for any of the Old World lizards comprising the Varanidae family, which contains only one extant genus, Varanus, whose members are characterized by a generally elongate neck, a heavy body, long-forked tongues, and long, non-autonomous tails. In spite of their name, they have no breath attack. Or is a komodo dragon a type of monitor lizard?
Although they seem to like carrion.
Varanus salvator, the Asian water monitor, is one of the most accessible large lizards on Earth.
Indonesia's dragons draw tourists to 'Jurassic' islands
Minnesota Zoo Komodo Monitor - Minnesota Zoo
Who would win, Komodo dragon or Bengal tiger? - Quora
Giant Lizards - C.S.W.D
Amazing Animals: Mating Monitor Lizard (Bayawak) in Kota ...
Komodo dragon | Facts, Habitat, Bite, & Venom | Britannica
Most monitors have long bodies, powerful legs, strong claws, and muscular tails. Dragon lizards also called Agamids, are some of the most distributed lizard species in this planet. Female monitor lizards bury their eggs in holes or hollow tree stumps that the female monitor lizard then covers with dirt in order to protect her eggs.