Can You Eat A Komodo Dragon. Yeah you could eat one if you wanted to, their flesh isnt poisonous, people hear Komodo Dragon/Monitor and they think of a slow moving animal with a toxic bite, and its true that in the wild Komodos saliva is teaming with Staph, E. But they will eat you if they get the chance to do it!
Komodo Dragon (Mayme Norris)
This enables them to survive on about a tenth of the energy needed by a mammal of their size. Komodo dragons will eat almost any kind of meat, including both live animals and carrion. They eat Invertebrates (other reptiles, even small Komodo Dragons, or sometimes their As you can see, a Komodo Dragons jaws can open very wide, making it possible to swallow an animal whole.
Komodo is west of Flores, east of Sumbawa, and north of Sumba.
This enables them to survive on about a tenth of the energy needed by a mammal of their size.
Komodo Dragon Swallowing A Monkey Whole Is Giving Everyone ...
What do Komodo dragons eat? - Quora
Komodo Dragon Eating Live Chicken - YouTube
Wild Animal Facts by World Animal Foundation
'Born to be Wild' kicks off 2013 with Sumatran Tigers ...
The Kid Who Got Eaten By A Komodo Dragon - YouTube
Komodo Dragon - Hunting
Eating the Komodo Dragon Chilli - 1.4 Million Scoville ...
Komodo Dragon And Water Buffalo Relationship
Natural horror filmed by Matej and Zuzana Dolinay. It used to be thought that the Komodo dragon had disease-ridden bacteria in its mouth, and, after biting its prey. Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world.