Komodo Dragon Eats Owner. A Komodo Dragons favourite thing to eat is carrion. Komodo dragons are known to have killed and eaten humans.
Baby Komodo Dragon Hiding On A Tree Stock Photography ... (Christina Lloyd)
In addition to deadly bacteria, Komodo dragons have poisons in their saliva that prevents blood clotting. Diet Komodo dragons are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. Komodo dragons are carnivores, which mean that they eat meat.
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They will check out the shoreline of their island home for whatever tasty morsel may have been washed up.
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Komodo Dragon Eats Owner In Apartment
Komodo dragons are found on only four islands in Indonesia with a total area approximately the size of Rhode Island! They eat Invertebrates (other reptiles, even small Komodo Dragons, or sometimes their own children). Komodo dragons will eat almost any kind of meat, including both live animals and carrion.