Crocodile Vs Komodo. Hi Dears Welcome to my channel " Amazing World" Crocodile Stalks Komodo Dragon Nest Crocodile Vs Komodo Dragon. KOMODO DRAGON ATTACKS & EATS ,Komodo vs komodo, buffalo, deer, cobra, pig.
A pride of lions had been guarding the carcass when the croc decided to check out what was on the menu.
The Komodo dragon is faster, more agile, and probably smarter, but I think it would have a hard time getting through the crocs armor.
By the end of this article you'll know More often than not, people tend to get mixed up between crocodiles and alligators. Crocodile Vs Komodo Dragon Crocodile Stalks Komodo Dragon Nest Crocodile Eat Komodo Dragon Eggs. The duel between the African Lion vs Nile Crocodile.