Iguana Komodo Dragon. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Family: Varanidae Genus: Varanus Scientific Name: Varanus komodoensis. Komodo dragons migrate only between close islands.
The iguana animal totem is an ancient and often misunderstood creature.
The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, is the largest lizard endemic to five There is a vital need of island based conservation strategy on managing Komodo dragon population in their current.
A Komodo dragon crate is not only designed for transport but also to facilitate medical examinations As described previously, iguanas and other lizards that are placed on an examination table may. In Zoo Tycoon, komodo dragons are weak and very slow. See more ideas about Komodo dragon, Komodo, Dragon. + Komodo Dragon. male named Hudo Varanus komodoensis Emerging from its burrow, a Komodo dragon starts out the… Add to Favourites.