Komodo Dragon Tail Whip. The komodo quickly tail whips the cheetah knocking it. Great accuracy, but much easier to use and heavier than a classic single-tail braided whip.
Edit: As Komodo dragons are monitor lizards and monitor lizards, for the most part, differ very little from each other behaviourally, I'll use the term 'monitor' Compared to some other lizards, monitor lizards (the group to which Komodo dragons belong) have quite simplified means of communication.
Dragon tails are a rolled whip-like toy that is extremely versatile.
It is typically a mid-level weapon and, like all other whips, is designed to inflict damage to a single group of enemies. It used to be believed that these lizards had various strains of bacteria in their saliva that killed prey, but this theory was discredited by the University of Queensland and it is now believed that. Girls Try Out Dungeons And Dragons.