Tiger Vs Komodo Dragon. It has razor sharp fangs, long sharp claws, a very strong tail which it uses both for balance and as a whip. A tiger would easily kill a Komodo dragon - it is a far larger, stronger, and better armed animal.
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This refers to two spirits so wildly different and yet wildly similar at the same time, intricately linked together in destiny. A tiger would easily kill a Komodo dragon - it is a far larger, stronger, and better armed animal. So, are you going Dragon or Tiger?
A subtrope of Animal Jingoism and Red Oni, Blue Oni.
Love is not the top priority for Dragon girls and much courage and patience are required to pursue them.
You have to fight a Pitbull, you can choose one animal to ...
Komodo Dragon Foot by Track-Maidens on DeviantArt
Komodo Dragon Vs Tiger
File:Saltwater Crocodile vs Bengal Tiger.jpg - Wikimedia ...
King Cobra Snake vs Tiger Cubs, Monkey, Mongoose,Komodo ...
Komodo Dragon Vs Tiger Fight
Red Mosquito • View topic - Official RM Animals Tournament ...
Komodo Dragon Vs Tiger Fight
17 Best images about ANIMALS FIGHTING ! on Pinterest ...
This means that they are covered in dry, scaly skin, hatch from eggs, and are cold-blooded. They both have personalities that are very magnetic. Komodo dragons look like mythical creatures, but in fact, they are just large lizards.