Komodo Dragon Food Chain. Komodo dragons are at the top of their food chain, so there is nothing hunting THEM. It uses its long, yellow, forked tongue to sample the air.
Komodo dragon | Symbolic animal adoptions from WWF (Bernard Stokes)
Easy Science for Kids Komodo Dragons - The Largest Reptiles on Earth - learn fun facts about animals, the human body, our planet and much more. The name Komodo dragon is kind of nickname. They eat Invertebrates (other reptiles, even small Komodo Dragons, or sometimes their own children).
Komodo dragons are the world's largest lizards.
Because of their size and because there are no other.
Komodo tourism: More than just dragons - CIFOR Forests News
Komodo dragon | He's chillin' at the top of his food chain ...
Komodo dragon | Symbolic animal adoptions from WWF
Food Chain - Komodo Dragon Conservation
Komodo Dragon Vs Dog
Komodo (Film) - TV Tropes
Should you get bitten by a Komodo dragon and get. They have been around for millions of years and are sometimes known as the last living dinosaurs. Easy Science for Kids Komodo Dragons - The Largest Reptiles on Earth - learn fun facts about animals, the human body, our planet and much more.